
My Hobbies

There are many more things that I like doing, appart from just studying and working.


Shortly after starting my PhD program at the University of York, I joined the York City Rowing Club as a novice sculler and gradually got into the sport. My objective has never been winning or beating everyone, although I've raced several times mostly for fun; it is rather more interesting than that, it has been more like a nice opportunity to get into the british culture, share with good friends, and excercise my body (it's so nice to still be slim at my age). So far, I have never seen any other Latinamerican into rowing around here (in the same way you never see a Brit dancing Swing-Criollo in San José) and my name is still the one that always looks weird in those lists, but I have to admit, it is great fun!


There are so many places I would like to see out there that 200 years will not be enough to visit them all. Travelling is probably the best way to learn about others and to learn about yourself, so I strongly recommend to travel about if you have the chance. It can turn into an adiction though...


I like many types of music, including classical and opera. However, as a musician, I must say I'm not a good one. Nevertheless, in recent months I became quite interested in learning how to play the harmonica, which is an instrument that sounds great, either alone or with other instruments, and you can basically take it wherever you go. I'm starting with the basic harmonica in the key of C, so let's see how it goes.